News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Sept. 21, 2023
Somerset Bible Chapel
Sunday School classes resumed on Sunday the 17th at 9:30 a.m. Each class has two half time teachers alternating months to teach. All Classes are doing lessons on Evidence in Exodus as they study the second book of the Bible.
The worship service opened with Abe Klassen doing the announcements. Kevin Friesen and family served as worship team leading off with “Open The Eyes of My Heart”, Prayer, “Love Lifted Me” and “The River”.
Al Dyck served as usher. Kevin Friesen led the Prayer Focus. “Faithful Now”, “Cornerstone” and a modified version of “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” concluded the opening worship.
Pastor Jeff Peacock extended the summer series of “Coffee Cup verses” with Psalm 23 - possibly the best known segment of the Old Testament beginning as “The Lord is my Shepherd”.
With a quick overview of verses 4-6, Pastor Jeff’s talk then highlighted several aspects of verses 1-3. With audience participation several readings ascribing shepherd qualities to God were read out. The Shepherd functions included provision, guidance, rest, refreshment, and peace.
Rest is to be protected. God declared a Sabbath rest for people. Rest provides healing from stresses and preparation for future duties. For grazing animals like sheep and cattle, rest gives time for rumination in a similar way as people would meditate on what they have learned from studying the word of God.
Leading happens when something is on the move. Leading in paths of righteousness implies that one is willing to be lead, to be guided and corrected, to having the watchful eye of a caring shepherd. Leading beside quiet waters contrasted to Pastor Jeff’s telling of a whitewater canoeing experience.
The final phrase ‘For his name’s sake” reminds people that God is the one that is to be praised, the One that restores souls that are hungry and weary and lost.
The closing chorus was “I Love You Lord” and the benediction was from Romans 15:5-6.
Besides their regular Wednesday meeting at the church, last weekend the Youth Group had a Guys Night Out and a separate Girls Night. Also, the monthly Mens’ Breakfast meeting was held Saturday morning at the church.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website .