News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Oct. 26, 2023
Somerset Bible Chapel
Sunday October 22 the morning worship service began with announcements led off by Abe Klassen. The season for preparing shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child is upon us. Materials are available at the church. Collection week is Nov. 12. The Sunday School hour Nov. 5 will be a Super Sunday open session featuring the missions that the congregation supports.
The music team led off with “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”, “Standing on The Promises” and “You Are My All in All”. Byron Timmerman served as usher.
Pastor Jeff Peacock made a presentation on behalf of the church to Bill and Isabel Acheson to mark their 50th wedding anniversary Oct. 20. His address included a prayer of blessing for the couple.
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”, “His Mercy is More” and “Cornerstone” continued the singing. Erik Picard led the Prayer Focus.
The Mission of the Month is Youth Group and the spring retreat weekend STRIVE. Besides the regular Wednesday evening youth group meeting there were both a Guys activity and a Girls activity for Friday Oct. 20 (no classes in the schools).
Pastor Jeff took Matthew 22:34-40 as his text. The religious leaders of the day are seeking a way to trap Jesus in questioning his teaching. They ask “What is the greatest commandment?”. Jesus directly quotes Deuteronomy 6:5. The First Commandment is to love God with one’s heart, soul, mind and strength. Jesus expands that to include love for one’s neighbour. In essence, summarizing the Ten Commandments.
The message closed with a challenge to love one another even when there are differing points of view. The closing hymn was “You Are My King (Amazing Love)” and the benediction was from Jude.
A pot luck luncheon was held following the service prior to the afternoon 50th Anniversary Come and Go Tea for Bill and Isabel.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website .