News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Nov. 9, 2023
Somerset Bible Chapel
Winter is getting messy to begin November with Freezing Rain Warnings and slippery travel. However, a good portion of the congregation gathered for a Super Sunday program and the worship service.
Rachel Picard led the Super Sunday feature on Missions the church supports: Compassion Canada sponsor child in Haiti; Herbert and Shandi Ives at Dauphin Bible Camp; Howard and Kathy Weir at Turtle Mountain Bible Camp; a refugee family in Thailand awaiting immigration, Jamie Small with Youth for Christ Morden and Pilot Mound and Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. Rachel concluded with some church library highlights about missionary stories.
Erik Picard gave the announcements. Kevin Friesen along with Jamie and Brianna Small were the music team. “Today is the Day”, prayer, “Come All You Weary” (For God So Loved) and Rescuer were the first set.
Matt Penner was the usher, with the music team doing instrumental “Thank you, O My Father”. Pastor Jeff Peacock led the Communion celebration with Rejean Picard and Rick Ross assisting.
With the freezing rain occurring, numerous momentary power interruptions affected the sound and video systems during the worship service. The song “What Blessed Assurance”(All my attempts to be satisfied…) was the only one before Pastor Jeff led the Prayer Focus and gave the sermon.
Pastor Jeff noted there has been much outcry in the news about the atrocities in the Middle East in recent weeks. Yet the number of children killed in the Hamas massacre on Oct. 7 pale in comparison to the 87,485 children destroyed by abortion in Canada in 2021 (an average of 240 per day).
Matthew 22:41-46 was the Bible text for the day. “Whose son is the Christ?” was Jesus’ question to the religious leaders who had been trying to trap him with their questions. The Pharisees were willing to regard Jesus as Son of David recognizing His humanity, but unwilling to receive Him as Son of God and therefore deity.
The question for everyone to consider “Who do you believe that Jesus is?” The answer dictates one’s eternal destiny.
The service closed with the song “What He’s Done”.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website .