News from Isabel Acheson for issue of July 4, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
Sunday, June 30 of the Canada Day long weekend was sunny, with light winds and almost warm. Despite some families being away camping, etc., most rows were occupied.
Val Ross set up beverages and snacks for the coffee time. Kevin Larson read the announcements at the beginning of the worship hour. Kevin Friesen was the sole musician for leading singing! Kevin F. also led the Prayer Focus. Byron Timmerman filled in as usher for the collection.
The singing included “Open The Eyes of My Heart”, “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord” by Steve Bell, “Offering” by Paul Baloche, “How Great Thou Art” with Kevin’s rhythm variation, “How Great Is Our God” by Chris Tomlin, and “It Is Well With My Soul”. Any of these pieces can be found online for lyrics and/or music video.
Pastor Jeff Peacock was absent due to serving as a chapel speaker at a Bible Camp this week. The guest speaker was Rick Ross, a member of the congregation.
The Scripture reading was Ephesians 1, all 23 verses. Rick then spoke on “Knowing Our Hope” from Eph. 1:15-23. The author of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul, had spent about 3 years of ministry among them and had visited them during his journey to Rome. This letter from prison encourages receivers to be firm in their faith and hope.
The prayer in verses 16-19 is a good pattern for Christians to use as they pray for one another. It reminds one of the nature of God, His Glory, His gifts of wisdom, revelation and knowledge. The Spirit of God within the Christian enlightens the understanding of the Hope promised to those called of God. In one long sentence, verses 15-21, Paul describes the Hope in Christ.
Supporting scriptures included Acts 20:36-38, 2 Peter 1:3-4, 19; Colossians 1:3-5 and Hebrews 10:23.
In concluding the service, Kevin F. gave the story of Paul Baloche and his writing of “Open The Eyes of My Heart” based on Eph. 1:18, led in a reprise, and closed with prayer.
Youth Director, Brianna Small, set up a Girls Clothing GiveAway evening for Tues, June 25th. Those who visited were invited to fill a bag from the tables of garments set out by type and size. The Sunday morning attendees also had an opportunity to take any clothes needed.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website