News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Aug. 29, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
The summer schedule will be ending Sunday, September 1. The announcements read by Jamie Grenier on August 25 set out September 8 as a Super Sunday and Sept. 15 as the start of classes as the 9:30 Sunday School hour resumes.
The music team for the last Sunday in August included Jamie and Brianna Small, and Kevin Friesen (piano, bass and guitar) with Kevin Larson and Ernie Unrau supporting A-V. (The worship services are live-streamed to the nursery - ages 3 and under).
The Music selections included “Hosanna”, “Our God”, “Living Hope”, “Be Thou My Vision”, “Christ, Be Magnified”, and “Blessed Assurance”.
Jonathan Timmerman served as usher, Isabel Acheson read the Scripture lesson from 1 John 3:1-10, while Kevin Friesen led the Prayer Focus and gave the sermon.
Tim Hildebrand, Director of YFC Pilot Mound, gave an update on the activities of the ministry including the Drop-In Centre “The Rock”, Bible study groups, school connections, Guys and Girls separate programming, etc. The team plus many volunteers attempt to reach out to and to support each youth in their area.
With Pastor Jeff Peacock having begun his five-month Sabbatical leave, five men of the congregation will fill in for the Sunday sermons. They plan to cover the New Testament book of the Epistle of First John, a five-chapter letter to the churches of the day.
Kevin F. introduced the book: the author, the dating, the where and when of the writing.
John cycles through three themes: Obedience, Overcoming Sin, and The Need to have Love. John is writing to a people who struggle to accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
This little epistle offers assurance to all who will believe, and encouragement for them to persevere in their struggles. It gives warnings about false teachings. It identifies characteristics of true Christians: Obedient to the commandments of God, Aware of the opposition they face, and Known as people of love for the brethren in the family of God.
The sermon closed with prayer and the benediction was from 1 John 5:11-13.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website