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September 19, 2024

News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Sept. 19, 2024

Somerset Bible Chapel 

A new season of Sunday School classes has begun! Four children’s classes plus an adult class. The curriculum has been moving through the historical narratives in the Old Testament. The adult class began their study for the season in the book of 1 Kings with the transition from King David to King Solomon. 

The worship service opened with Rachel Picard making the announcements. Then the music team led off with “I Thank God”, “Prince of Praise”, “What He’s Done” then  “My Loving Hope”, “How Deep The Father’s Love For Us” and, in closing, the Chris Tomlin piece, “I Will Follow”. 

Erik Picard was the usher.  Rick Ross led the Prayer Focus, read the Scripture lesson 1 John 1:5-10, and, was the guest speaker for the day. “Walking in the Light; Fruit of Regeneration” was the sermon title. 

The text points out that God is light and, in Him, there is no darkness at all. If a person claims to be a Christian, their obedience to God should show in their life. John writes to counteract some heresies of the early church. 

In related references, Rick pointed out that Salvation begins the process of Sanctification, and. As knowledge increases, the Christian comes to recognize areas where growth is and should be taking place. The Holy Spirit, active within the Christian, enables obedience and transformation so that one’s good works become proof of the life within. 

Rick also noted that judgment is coming (Matthew 25:31-40) when one’s works will evaluate how one has treated Christ and other believers. John writes to encourage believers, to be able to rejoice in the godly lives that come from spiritual growth. 

The sermon closed with Prayer. After the closing song the benediction was 2 Peter 3:18 - Grow in Grace.  

Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website


Church family of the week: Dean and Tienna (Tina) Rowley, Bruxelles 

Mission of the month: Dauphin Bible Camp, site manager, Herbert and Shandi Ives, and children

Signup sheets are on the bulletin board for Thanksgiving Supper Oct. 20 (attendance) and for Youth Group snacks - every other Wednesday evening- enough for about 40 people. The food signup will come later when the hospitality committee has a better idea of quantities to request. 

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