News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Sept. 12, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
Bri Small, Youth Coordinator, led the Super Sunday program in the lower hall on Sunday, Sept. 8. The main feature was a Family Feud - Part 2 game. The questions were based on Bible Knowledge. Kevin Larson gave the prayer before snack time.
The worship service opened with Jamie Small making the announcements. Then the music team of Kevin Friesen, Jamie and Bri led off with “This Is Amazing Grace”, prayer, “Rescuer” and “God So Loved(Come all you weary).
Matt Penner served as usher. Kevin F. led the Prayer Focus. The songs ”Only Jesus Can”, “Come Thou Fount” and “The Last Word” preceded the sermon.
The guest speaker for the day was the AGC West Associate Regional Director, Lorne Meisner of Winnipeg. While Pastor Jeff Peacock is on Sabbatical leave, Lorne will visit again in late November.
Lorne began with AGC family news. Associated Gospel Churches of Canada include about 145-150 congregations, most in eastern Canada. About 45-50 are in Western Canada. He reported from some Manitoba congregations, pastors and potential new member congregations in Winnipeg and in North Western Ontario.
The sermon topic dealt with personal testimony being first-hand experience; giving witness to what you know directly. Lorne read Galatians 2:15-21 with comments as he went along. In Gal. 2:20 Paul gives a concise description of the Christian experience.
Romans 6:2-11 also supports the theme of being dead to sin and alive to God. The presence of the Holy Spirit within the believer enables that person to reflect God in the world around them. One aspect of the Christian life Lorne mentioned was forgiveness; with the challenge to ask Christ to forgive the offender through you, and so by that you show God’s love to that person.
The sermon closed with prayer. The closing hymn “Faithful Now” and the benediction from Jude 1:24-25 ended the worship service.
At time of writing, the Youth Group will resume meeting this week Wed. Sept. 11 at the church. The donations for Operation Christmas Child gift boxes this month are Hygiene and personal items. The next Super Sunday will be in November when the donations from each month will be assembled and packed.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website