News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Nov. 21, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
Jamie Grenier led the announcements Sunday, Nov. 17. Jonathan Timmerman was usher. Rick Ross led the Prayer Focus. The Music Team was led by Brianna and Jamie Small. The Scripture lesson was read by Isabel from Deuteronomy 1:19-24.
The music included “I Thank God”, “Living Hope”, “The Heart of Worship”, “I Surrender All”, “Christ Be Magnified” and, in closing, “Faithful Now”. The offertory was a piano solo “How Deep the Father’s Love”.
Howard and Kathy Weir, representing Turtle Mountain Bible Camp spoke. Kathy gave a review of the camping season with the theme “But God…” as she recounted many episodes of potential problems that were resolved in many instances in marvellous ways. She closed her segment with singing “He is More”.
Howard took the topic “Facing Walls in Life”. He spoke of walls that challenge one’s belief, trust and dependence on God. They may appear as trials, circumstances, events that seem to leave no where to turn.
The walls people face in life are real and show us that we are not in control. They can hide or blind us to the truth. They call for a change in perspective, for us to look around.
The Israelites nearing the Jordan River after 40 years of wilderness wandering faced the question: ‘How Big is Your God?“. Led by Joshua and enabled by the power of God, the priests carrying the ark of the Covenant stepped into the water. The waters parted and everyone walked across on dry ground while the priests stood in the middle of the river course.
The city of Jericho was terrified about the power of the God of Israel. Their walls fell down without a battle. The Lord God continued to provide for his people as they took possession of the Promised Land.
David in Psalm 18:25 says the equivalent of “I can run through a barricade.” Know that your God is bigger. Trust Him. The sermon closed with prayer.
Creation Ministries International came Friday evening with two speakers. They brought along an array of books and other resources for further encouragement of study.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website