News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Nov. 14, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
Sunday, Nov. 10 Rachel Picard did the announcements and the scripture reading - 1 John 3:11-24. Eric Picard was usher. Kevin Friesen led the worship service, doing music and Prayer Focus.
The music included “Open The Eyes of my Heart”, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing ”, “Yes, I Will”, a video of a Brian Doerkson song “Creation Calls”, “What He’s Done”, “His Mercy is More” and, in closing, “The Love of God”.
Rick Ross did the exposition of 1 John 3:11-24. “The only person who can truly love a Christian because they are a Christian, is a Christian. Others may love you for other reasons but not because you are a Christian.”
In verses 11-15, John reminds readers that love has been a message since Creation and reviews the Cain and Abel incident of Genesis 4. Love for the brethren is an evidence of having eternal life.
Verses 16-18 describe Christian love farther with practical examples.
The final section of the chapter vs 19-24 show the connection between Knowing the Truth, having a conscience trained by the presence of the Holy Spirit, pleasing God by keeping His commandments and showing love to others. Verse 22 led to a comment on effective prayer being hindered by hostility towards another until the matter is resolved.
The sermon closed with prayer. The service closed with Rick reading Ephesians 2:8-9 (being God’s workmanship) and a closing prayer.
Mission of the month: Millar College of the Bible: campuses in Winnipeg, MB (Evan Unrau), Pambrun, SK (Rebekah Peacock), and Sunnybrea Campus, Tappen, BC. Praise and Prayer items in Nov. bulletin.
At 7 p.m. on Friday evening Nov. 15th, two staff members from Creation Ministries International will be presenting “A Tale of Two Histories” and “What the Bible and Science say about the Age of the Earth”. Watch for posters.
These speakers will present “How We Got the Bible” at the men’s breakfast Saturday the 16th.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website