News from Isabel Acheson for issue of May 30, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
The Sunday School children’s classes have completed their class year. Next Sunday, June 2 will be a Super Sunday with all classes meeting in the Lower Hall. June 9 is a wind-up party for the 4 younger classes while the adults have their final class of the season.
Jamie Small gave the announcements for the morning worship on Sunday, May 26. The multi-instrumental music team of Kevin Friesen with Jamie and Brianna Small led the worship service. “This Is Amazing Grace”, “Rescuer”, “There Is Power in the Blood”, “Nothing but the Blood”, “You Are My King” and “Lord, I Need You” were the chosen songs.
The usher was Jon Timmerman. The music team introduced a new song “At The Cross” during the collection.
Kevin Friesen led the Prayer Focus. As each item was presented, someone in the congregation had the opportunity to lead in prayer (cordless mic convenience!). That way someone else could pray for the Family of the Week and the Mission of the Month.
Pastor Jeff Peacock was unable to be present in person. However, he provided a pre-recorded video of the message for the day. His text was Hebrews 12:1-3 and his theme was “Run Well - Do Not Grow Weary and Lose Heart”.
Persistence and Endurance are usually regarded as noble virtues. However, they can often be misdirected.
Christianity, according to the book of Hebrews, compares the living of the Christian life to the running of a race. The previous chapter gives many godly examples to encourage and guide the runner. The great crowd of witnesses carry the runner along, supporting him in his mission.
The runner is to lay aside anything that would impede his performance. He is offered the resources to escape the sin that entangles him. He is advised to focus on Jesus, the founder and perfecter (completion) of his faith as he runs the race that is marked out for him.
The Christian is to follow the pattern of Christ. With the assurance of joy to follow,
Jesus obeyed the path set for Him, endured the cross and suffered much shame.
The closing benediction was Heb. 13:20-21.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website