News from Isabel Acheson for issue of May 23, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
The Sunday School year is fast coming to a close. Next Sunday, May 26 will be the last full schedule of regular class for all. Then Sunday June 2 will be a Super Sunday with all classes meeting in the Lower Hall. June 9 is to be a wind-up party for the 4 younger classes while the adults have their final class of the season.
For the morning worship on May 19, Pentecost Sunday, Rachel Picard, chair of Christian Ed. committee, gave the announcements. The music team of Jamie and Brianna Small, with Kevin Friesen, led the worship service. “This is Amazing Grace”, “Here Is Love”, and “What Blessed Assurance” were the opening songs.
The offerings were received by Erik Picard, while Jamie S. sang “Your Love is Strong” by Jon Foreman.
Clayton Kimber led the Prayer Focus. One concern for the summer ministries is the preparation of the bus that is used with Day Camp. Singing, games and Bible lessons take place at the church. Skills sessions take place at various sites each afternoon.
“Christ Be Magnified”, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” and “Lord, I Need You” were followed by scripture reading from Galatians 3:10-14.
Pastor Jeff Peacock began the sermon with prayer and with an incident from his teen and young adult summers working as Bible camp staff. “The Wrong Idea About Salvation” was the challenge in the text. The Apostle Paul points out that a gospel of works does not remove the curse of The Law. Only Christ can. By His perfection and substitution, sinful mankind can be redeemed.
Paul quotes from the Old Testament in much of the day’s text. The human tendency is to want to do things for ourselves. We can feel overwhelmed by our efforts to live The Christian Life. Rest is good and necessary. Christ offers to teach us how to live and share the burden we carry (Matthew 11: 28-29).
The service closed with prayer, the song “Faithful One” and the benediction.
For contributions to the Operation Christmas Child project, the month of May items are Games, fishing kits, puzzles, tool kits and fidget toys.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website