News from Isabel Acheson for issue of June 8, 2023
Somerset Bible Chapel
Sunday June 4th has many highlights. The worship service was held outdoors on the church yard with folks seated under the maple trees along the street.
The worship service began with Jamie Grenier reviewing the announcements. Kevin Friesen led the music team with Jamie and Brianna Small with instruments and Alinka VanDonkelaar on vocals. “This is Amazing Grace”, a prayer, and “God So Loved” were the opening items.
Clayton Kimber served as usher. Alinka sang a solo with Brianna joining as backup singer. The congregational song “Fit For a King” followed. Bill Acheson led the Prayer Focus.
The music for the day had been selected by the Baptismal candidates. “I Will Follow” and “Yet Not I but Christ Through Me” were the next songs.
Pastor Jeff Peacock used Matthew 3:13-17 as sermon text “The Baptism of Jesus”. He outlined “Why we do Baptism?” and “What Baptism is Not”. He also noted that in his 15th year of pastoral ministry in Somerset, one privilege is to be part of family milestones along the way.
The candidates were each introduced by an encourager, and each gave their own testimony to the development of their Christian faith and desire to be obedient to this step of witness.
Following the baptisms, the closing song was “Lord, I need You”.
With the heat of the day, the luncheon was held in the church basement. A timely move, as storm warnings became a downpour as people were beginning the lunch line-up. (The men tending the Barbecues on the walk were drenched before they were finished.)
A Farewell event for the VanDonkelaar family also took place. After lunch, Pastor Jeff presided. Several offered a few words. Photo books with Pastor Jeff’s greeting were given to Jan and Anita, also to Gerco and Jenn as both families are moving to the Sarto/Grunthal area. Daughters Krista (Alex Anderson) and Alinka each received one as well. It has been a privilege to have the family in the congregation the past 18 years.
Kevin Friesen reported visiting Ottawa early last week, attending the National Prayer Breakfast.
The June bulletin and previous news reports are available on the website .