News from Isabel Acheson for issue of June 15, 2023
Somerset Bible Chapel
A Super Sunday program June 11th began the day’s activities. Brianna Small, youth co-ordinator highlighted both the recent STRIVE youth retreat at Millar College of the Bible campus, Pambrun, SK and the past school year season of youth group activities. Six of the 15 youth that went to STRIVE were interviewed about their experience.
The program also included an online game platform of Bible Trivia. Enough devices participated to have 11 teams competing on a series of 30 questions.
The worship service began with Erik Picard giving some announcements. Day Camp registration forms are now available for July 17-21. Contact Bri Small at 431-374-5690 for more information.
Kevin Friesen led the music team. Opening songs included “The Solid Rock”, “What Blessed Assurance” and “The Last Word”. Jonathan Timmerman served as usher. Offertory music was “His Mercy is More”.
Pastor Jeff Peacock introduced the Communion celebration with Luke 22:14-20 where Jesus celebrates the Last Supper with His disciples. Kevin Friesen led the Prayer Focus.
“It is Well With My Soul” preceded the sermon.
Pastor Jeff began a summer sermon series called “Coffee Cup Verses”. He began with Micah 6:8 “He has told you, O man, what is good’ and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”. He gave the context by reading Micah 6:1-7.
The sermon dealt with various aspects of what is an appropriate form of worship according to scripture. All three imperatives are verbs meaning action. We live in a fallen world where concepts of justice, mercy and humility are vastly distorted. Those who practice integrity, loving kindness and respect for authority do so as servants of God Almighty.
The closing song was a musical rendition of Micah 6:8. Benediction was from Jude.
Following the worship service, the annual Father’s Day barbecue organized by the Christian Ed. committee was hosted by Jamie and Carleigh Grenier. A long standing feature is the Ice Cream Sundaes menu for the men present, prepared and delivered by the youth.
The June bulletin and previous news reports are available on the website .