News from Isabel Acheson for issue of June 1, 2023
Somerset Bible Chapel
The season of regular Sunday School classes wrapped up Sunday May 28 with a final lesson in the Old Testament book of Exodus that emphasized the presence of Almighty God with the chosen people of the time. To have a physical representation of that Presence, the Israelites are given specific instructions to build a tabernacle, a large portable tent that would be a centre of worship.
Several men have taken turns leading the adult class through the 8 month season. The children’s classes have had teachers alternating month by month in their lessons. The final Super Sunday in the Sunday School hour is set for June 11th.
The AGC National Conference has been taking place in Banff, AB over the weekend (May 25-28) with Pastor Jeff Peacock and Alanna being the representatives from Somerset Bible Chapel .
The worship service in Somerset was opened by Abe Klassen leading the announcements. Katie DeRoo and Jamie Small were the music team. Jamie S. led the opening prayer. “Open The Eyes of My Heart”, “My LightHouse” and a camp song “Twelve Men Went to Spy on Canaan” made up the first set.
Kevin Friesen led the Prayer Focus. Matt Penner was the usher for the collection. A newer song “Jesus Strong and Kind” was followed by the long time favourite hymns “The Love of God” and “Great is Thy Faithfulness”.
Guest speaker for the day was Jamie Small. He used Matthew 7:1-5 to start his sermon. The topic “Humility and Judgement” was illustrated by the first two kings of Israel: Saul and David with several references that highlighted their stories.
Pride can masquerade as righteous judgement as a person assumes they are the one with a speck in their eye, instead of the one with the log. Each person is to have wise judgement and to be aware of their own weaknesses. King Saul blamed his problems on others. King David was willing to confess his sins, to repent of his sin, and to seek God’s mercy. Psalm 51:1-10 concluded the message.
The closing hymn was “All The Way My Saviour Leads Me”. The benediction was 1 John 1:5 - 2:2.
Contact info and previous news reports are available on the website .