News from Isabel Acheson for issue of July 13, 2023
Somerset Bible Chapel
Sunday July 9 the music team included Rachel Picard, Stefan Mulaire and their brother-in-law Patrick Picard. Their music opened with “Open the Eyes of my Heart” and “Because He Lives”. Erik Picard was usher. “Goodness of God” and “Better is One Day”, a couple of newer songs followed. Bill Acheson led the Prayer Focus.
Guest speaker for the day was Rick Ross of Somerset. Rick has been a frequent teacher for the adult Sunday School class. His topic for the day was “Struggles with Sin and Temptation”.
The scripture references included selected verses from James 1:1-15, Luke 8:11-15, Galatians 5:17-21, and other passages. God is aware and in control over all the trials and testings a person faces. Some testings help to show a person the strength of their faith and of God’s power in their lives. Some temptations come from desires of the flesh and from outside influences luring one into sin.
The teaching is that “God allows us to go through our struggles and even failures with temptation in order to deliver us from confidence in ourselves and so to rely totally on Him.”
A “Besetting Sin” refers to something that is a repeated struggle for the person. A “Habitual Sin” indicates a persistent failing. The person may not be aware that a Christian serves a new Master; that God is able to deliver one from the power of sin.
Romans 6:1-11 teaches that a Christian is delivered from slavery to the power of sin, becoming more and more sanctified as one grows in faith and in the knowledge of God.
One strength of the church fellowship is the support of the family of God as stories are shared, encouragement is given, God’s word is studied, songs reinforce the teaching and the grace of God is shared.
The closing hymn was “Be Thou My Vision” and the benediction was Philippians 2:12, 13 (…it is God who works in you…).
Orientation and training for Day Camp and VBS helpers gets underway this week. The Day Camp closing is set for Friday afternoon July 21 at Stephenfield Park. A church family campout that weekend will included a worship service at the Park (not in Somerset for July 23).
Congratulations to Parker Friesen and Addison Webster who were married in Brandon Sunday, July 9,2023.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website .