News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Jan. 23, 2025
Somerset Bible Chapel
On a cold January morning, Sunday the 19th, the worship service began with Rejean Picard giving the announcements. Kevin Friesen led the music beginning with “This is the Day”, “Last Word”, “Blessed Assurance” and “It Is Well”.
Al Dyck served as usher.
Pastor Jeff Peacock has returned to full duty after a 5 month Sabbatical. He thanked the congregation for the gift of time off. He enjoyed family time, couple time, reading and reflections, fishing, and the beginning of some postgrad studies. He led the Prayer Focus.
A newer song “What Blessed Assurance” and old favourites “There is a Redeemer” and “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” preceded the Scripture reading by Rick Ross from 1 John 5:13-21 and the sermon by Pastor Jeff.
This was the concluding message from the Epistle of 1 John that the pulpit supply speakers have been working their way through in recent months. The whole letter has been focused on offering assurance of salvation to the believers in Christ.
Three points of assurance are: that we know that we have eternal life; that we know that God answers our prayers; and, that we know we have victory over sin and Satan.
The sermon closed with prayer. The closing song was “Cornerstone” and the benediction was from Romans 15:5-6.
Following lunch at the church the Annual Congregational Meeting convened in the main auditorium. Jamie Small chaired the meeting. Michelle Friesen was secretary. One couple living some distance away joined by phone, did their reports and participated in discussion. The electronic age in church.
Some Positions changed personnel in the report of the Nominating Committee. Erik Picard becomes Chair for one year, Carol Picard takes the job of secretary also for one year, and Heather Kimber takes on Children’s Ministries Co-ordinator post for a 2 Year term. All other positions due for election were renewed.
Youth group meetings are currently run by volunteers and occur twice a month. January 22 and Feb. 5 and 19th are the next dates.