News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Feb. 8, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
Brianna Small led the Super Sunday program. 4-6 tables took part in a Family Feud version of Bible knowledge quiz, plus a 20 question multiple choice quiz. All classes have been studying the early books of the Old Testament in the last number of months so all ages from Kindergarten and up could help with answers.
Feb. 4th was also a Communion Sunday. Pastor Jeff Peacock read from Exodus 12:1-13 in which the Passover celebration was instituted. The Last Passover Supper that Jesus celebrated with his disciples before His crucifixion is the model for Communion services. “This do in remembrance of Me.”
The announcements were read by Erik Picard. Kevin F, with Jamie and Brianna Small were the music team and opened with “How Great is Our God”, “God of Wonders” and “Holy, Holy, Holy”. Erik Picard was usher for the collection and also led the Prayer Focus. The songs with the Communion celebration were “Christ Be Magnified”, Mighty to Save” and “Faithful Now”.
Pastor Jeff read Romans 1: 8-12 - Paul’s longing to visit the Christians in Rome. “Do I Really Love the Church?” was the theme of the sermon. With illustrations from personal experience Pastor Jeff spoke to many key phrases in the text.
There was thankfulness for their faith and for their reputation abroad. Paul mentions his prayerfulness for this church he hadn’t yet met. There is longing for fellowship, for strengthening and encouraging one another.
All Christians are called to love and care for the church as the Bride of Christ even when we don’t feel like it. Obedience depends on divine strength and guidance. Pastor Jeff also encouraged those who took on new positions after last Sunday’s annual meeting and expressed appreciation to others that are part of the continuing ministry of the local congregation.
The service closed with the song “Faithful One” and the benediction from 2 Peter 3:18. A number of families regularly stay for a pot luck lunch after the service. The conversations are also part of the encouragement and strengthening of church.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website