News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Dec. 14, 2023
Somerset Bible Chapel
One feature of the day Dec. 10 was the afternoon visits to Somerset Manor and Swan Lake Seniors Home for a program of Christmas carols led by Ernest Unrau with Lorna Unrau at the piano. Pastor Jeff Peacock gave a meditation from Isaiah 9.
The morning worship service was led by Pastor Jeff. Alanna, Caleb and Andrew Peacock were the readers for the lighting of the Advent Candle of Joy.
Pastor Jeff was music leader using “Joy to the World” and “O Come All Ye Faithful” to lead to the offering with Erik Picard as usher. In the Communion celebration Pastor Jeff spoke of the message of “Peace” that is part of the Christmas narrative in the Bible.
“O Little Town of Bethlehem”, “The Heart of Worship” and “Silent Night, Holy Night” were followed by the Prayer Focus. Once in a while it happens that the person on to lead is also the Prayer Family of the week! That was Kevin Friesen’s position this time so he asked for “lots of prayers” for him and Michelle.
Guest speaker for the day was Abe Klassen of the congregation. He chose “On Earth as it is in Heaven” as his title. He introduced the last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation. At Christmas we celebrate the First Coming of Jesus. In the prophecy of Revelation The Second Coming of Jesus to earth in Power and Glory is portrayed.
Abe outlined 6 sections of the book, each set off with an opening, a theme and an ending statement. Chapters 1-3 speak of the church on earth; Chapters 4 to 7 - God’s Throne in Heaven. Rev. 8:1-11:18 outline timing: days and months. Section 4 being Rev. 11:19-15:3 sees God’s temple in heaven opened and contrasts God’s Law to those beings that are rebels. Section 5 chapters 15:4 -19:10 speak of beauty and clothing for the Bride of Christ. The final section Rev. 19:11 to 22:21 introduces the New Heaven and New Earth where indeed God’s will is done.
The closing song was The Doxology.
The Youth group is to have their Christmas Party Supper at the church Wed. Dec. 13 and the Sunday School Christmas Concert is set for 6:30 Sunday evening Dec. 17th.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website .