News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Aug. 22, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
Pastor Jeff Peacock began a five-month Sabbatical leave on Monday, Aug. 19. The elders will arrange pulpit supply in his absence.
Sunday, August 18, the worship service was followed by lunch (bring your own) and the quarterly congregation meeting. Chaired by Jamie Small, the various officers gave their reports.
The worship service opened with Rachel Picard reading announcements. She was also the Scripture reader. Emery and Katie DeRoo led the music. Erik Picard served as usher and Kevin Friesen led Prayer Focus.
The Music selections included “The Love of God”, “This is Amazing Grace”, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”, “His Mercy is More”, “Lord, I Need You”, and “Your Will Be Done”.
The summer sermon series, “What does the Bible say about …?” replied to “Tattoos and Alcohol”. Believe it or not, there are specific verses that are applicable. The Lesson was from Romans 14:7-12 to the Christians about judging one another.
Leviticus 19:28 includes tattoos in a chapter on practical applications of holy conduct in society. In the context of Moral Law, Ceremonial Law or Civil Law these practices represented the idolatry of foreign nations (rebellion against the God of Heaven).
In the New Testament ceremonial laws specific to Israel were no longer needed, and some civil laws did not crossover either. However, God’s moral law remained for all. The critical question becomes “Why do I want to do this?”
Drinking (alcoholic beverages) in the cultural context of the church has been frowned upon as a sinful lifestyle. However, the Bible does not have a strict prohibition.
What the Bible does forbid is drunkenness: Ephesians 5:18, Romans 13:13-14. The Bible also prohibits causing another believer to stumble. Pastor Jeff read Rom. 14:3-ff. in which Paul gives instructions about things that might do so.
Pastor Jeff concluded with a few comments about the beginning of his Sabbatical leave which will be for rest, family time, soul care and study.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website