News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Aug. 15, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
Welcome back from summer break for the Treherne Times team and readers.
The Annual Day Camp for ages 9-15 took place July 22-26 with 38 campers registered. Morning activities were at the church location. Brianna Small was Director, beginning each morning with songs, and, following the Bible classes, leading wide games in the churchyard.
By the numbers, 2 speakers, 4 junior leaders, 3 morning helpers, 4 full-day helpers, 9 snack providers, 15 skills leaders, 3 or 4 bus drivers, 2 Wed. hot lunch ladies, and others helped make the program happen.
Pastor Jeff Peacock gave the Bible lessons Monday and Friday. On the other 3 days, Abe Klassen was the speaker. Afternoon field trips took campers to different sites for skills events.
Sunday morning July 28th Jamie Grenier did the opening announcements. Brianna and Jamie Small with Kevin Friesen led the music. Pastor Jeff Peacock led the Prayer Focus.
The songs included “For God So Loved”, “What He’s Done”, “What Blessed Assurance” “The Heart of Worship”, “I Surrender All” and “Lord, I Need You”.
Pastor Jeff Peacock read the Bible lesson from Galatians 6:1-5. In this final segment of Paul’s letter to the Christians in Galatia, instructions for dealing with wrongdoing call for gentleness in the correction given. The spiritually mature Christians are to be in step with the Holy Spirit. They are to seek restoration with humility and gentleness. They are to be introspective, and aware of their appetite for sin.
The worship service closed with Psalm 96:1-4 “… great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised.
August 4 was a Communion Sunday. Matthew Penner gave the announcements and the offering prayer. Kevin Friesen, Jaime Small, and Andrea Penner led the music. Jamie S. sang “All He’s Ever Been is Kind” during the collection.
Other songs included “The Wonder of it all”, “Faithful Now”, “To the River”, “I Lift Your Name”, “Living Hope” and “Cornerstone”.
Pastor Jeff Peacock led the Communion service. Rick Ross assisted. A meditation on
1 Corinthians 11:23-25 noted that Jesus says to “remember me”. Faith is relational, not detached. The Song ‘When I survey the wondrous cross / Oh the wonderful cross’ accompanied the serving of communion elements.
Rick Ross led the Prayer Focus and read the Scripture lesson from Galatians 6:11-18.
Pastor Jeff concluded his series on the letter to the Galatians. The Author Paul the Apostle writes personally his final warning and benediction. Gospel Salvation requires only repentance and faith. Obedience to Divine instruction produces good works demonstrating one’s repentance and faith.
Sunday, August 11, Jamie Small did the opening, Pastor Jeff Peacock led the music team, Abe Klassen was usher, Clayton Kimber led the Prayer Focus and Michelle Friesen read the Bible lesson from Daniel 2:17-23.
The Music selections included “Amazing Grace”, “Come, Now is the Time”, “Give Me Jesus”, “My Jesus, I Love Thee”, “Nails in Your Hands”, and “Once Again” with the Doxology at closing.
A brief summer sermon series on “What does the Bible say about …?” began with the question “Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?” Pastor Jeff noted that recent decades have produced a culture determined to reduce or eliminate Christian influence.
Beginning with Genesis 1:26-28 - the creation of mankind and giving of responsibility over creation, and continuing on through Gen. 12:1-3 the call of Abram, Exodus 3 the call of Moses, and other leaders of nations; Pastor Jeff outlined God’s pattern for leadership and governance of countries and other entities.
The Mission of the Christian church is to make disciples. In so doing people shine light in dark places, speak up on moral issues, do justice, and love mercy. They pray for leaders and all in authority and walk humbly following the example of Jesus Christ. In the light of Romans chapter 1 a country could be inviting God’s wrath by rebellion and rejection of God’s way. Citizens need to look for integrity in the political realm.
A 4-day Vacation Bible School (VBS) for ages 4-9 is taking place afternoons, 3-5 p.m. at the church August 12-16. The Kick-off on Sunday, August 11 was a Community Carnival on the churchyard.
The August Men’s Breakfast is set for Saturday the 17th. A Congregational meeting is set for Sunday, August 18th, at 12:30 p.m. following the morning worship and lunch.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website