News from Isabel Acheson for issue of April 18, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
Sunday April 14, the morning worship service began with Jamie Grenier leading the announcements.
The music team, Rick and Val Ross with guitar and piano led in “Peace Like a River”, “Power In The Blood” and “Grace Greater Than All Our Sins”. Byron Timmerman served as usher. The music team did an instrumental of “A Mountain Called Calvary” as offertory.
“He Hideth My Soul”, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and “O How I Love Jesus” were the songs before Erik Picard led Prayer Focus.
The AGC pastors of Western Manitoba meet once a quarter for a Pastors Cafe with the Regional Director and/or Assistant. From time to time a Pulpit Exchange between the 7 churches is also planned.
For April 14 Pastor Jeff Peacock was visiting Parkside Gospel Church near Dauphin while the guest speaker at Somerset was Pastor Bob Coutts of Glenboro Bible Chapel. Each community and congregation have their own perspective on how God is at work in their lives and their ways of serving in obedience to The Word.
Pastor Bob chose Psalm 93:1-5 for his text. The Psalm begins with praising God for reigning over everything, for His greatness (robed in majesty), and for His strength, prepared for action.
The middle verse is a lament about the challenges of life that seem like floodwaters about to overwhelm the person. The ending verses show the greatness of God meeting the flood, making trustworthy decrees and cultivating holiness in His people.
Pastor Bob concluded with the story of Joachim Neander, hymn writer in the mid 1600’s and sang with guitar, a lesser known verse of the familiar hymn “Praise to the Lord, The Almighty, The King of Creation” with the congregation joining in on the more familiar verses.
Many families met in the lower hall after the service for a pot-luck lunch and visiting with the guests.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website