News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Sept. 7, 2023
Somerset Bible Chapel
Summer schedule continues through Sept. 10th with Sunday School classes starting the next week.
The worship service opened with Church Trustee Erik Picard doing the announcements. Rejean and Carol Picard served as worship team leading off with “I lift Your Name”, “All Heaven Declares”, “You Are My All in All” and “Oh How I Love Jesus”.
Byron Timmerman served as usher and the offertory was “The Wonder of It All”. Kevin Friesen led the Prayer Focus giving the family of the week and the mission of the month. Rachel Picard read a recent update from Herbert and Shandi Ives, Site Manager at Dauphin Bible Camp with details about the summer camps season.
“There is a Redeemer” and “All the Way My Saviour Leads” led the way to the sermon and the communion service.
Guest speaker for the day was Randy Fehr, former pastor of the Gladstone Christian Fellowship. He brought greetings and news from Gladstone (and a story or two from working on the Golf Course through the summer!).
His text for the sermon was Luke 22:14-34 — the Institution of the Lord’s Supper, a ‘Who is the Greatest?” exchange, and a third section, Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denial.
An initial highlight is Jesus’ declaration that he “earnestly desired to eat this Passover“ with this group. The group of disciples is far from perfect. Also, Jesus knows what suffering is to come shortly for him. He wants to be with them and to establish a new covenant with symbols of his death. In effect, He becomes the Passover lamb to end the old covenant.
Jesus’ instruction to “Do this in remembrance of Me.” gives meaning and purpose to the communion service. Randy went on to highlight several aspects of Jesus’ character including his offer of rest and refreshment, his love for the lost and least of society, his humility and love, his willingness to face suffering, his eternal glory as God, and his ability to pray for those doing his crucifixion.
Church elders Rick Ross and Kevin Friesen assisted with serving the communion elements.
The closing hymn was “I Surrender All”.
Care package items have been collected recently for Michayla and Rebekah Peacock who are to leave shortly to begin studies at Millar College of the Bible, Pambrun, SK.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website .