News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Oct. 5, 2023
Somerset Bible Chapel
The Sunday School classes are getting settled in after an initial meeting two weeks before. Classes should continue weekly now until the Christmas break.
Pastor Jeff Peacock led the adult class in a study of Numbers 13 & 14, the narrative of the sending of 12 spies, one from each tribe, to assess the Promised Land they were to enter. The resulting reports, led to fearfulness on the part of many of the former slaves and the 40 years of wilderness wanderings became the lot of the whole company of Israelites.
The worship service opened with Abe Klassen giving announcements. the music team was Rejean and Carol Picard. “Here I Am to Worship”, “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (The Doxology), “Once Again” and “Be Thou My Vision” were the first set for singing.
Erik Picard was both usher and prayer focus leader . “How Deep the Father’s Love For Us”, “In Christ Alone” and the hymn “And Can It Be” were the songs that followed.
Guest speaker for the day was Rick Ross. On the theme of “Salvation Belongs to The Lord”, a phrase from Jonah 2:9 he led the congregation through a number of scripture readings describing the Plan and Purpose of Salvation, God’s Provision, Perseverance and Perfection.
Rick continued on then to give his own story as a shift worker in a power generating station looking for reading in his solo shifts. From science fiction to a futuristic book referring to key Bible concepts, he bought a Bible in a modern translation to find out what the Bible said. After he realized he was believing the truths he found, he began looking for a church. One building he had visited as a meter reader, turned out to be a Bible teaching fellowship in theatre like structure. He first visited on a week night and was encouraged in his spiritual growth and service from then on.
Pastor Jeff then related how his story intersected with Rick’s. The Peacock family were active in the Metropolitan Bible Church which Rick had found. As a 10 year old Pastor Jeff had had Rick as a leader in a children’s musical.
Pastor Jeff led the Communion Celebration with references to the lyrics of “His Mercy is More” taken from Psalm 103. Kevin Friesen assisted with serving.
The closing choruses “He Is Lord” and “Because He Lives” were sung as partner songs. The benediction was Jonah 2:9.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website