News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Aug. 17, 2023
Welcome back from summer break. Weekly worship services have continued at the church at 104 - 1st street in Somerset with coffee fellowship at 10 a.m. and the service at 10:30 a.m. (summer schedule).
Sunday July 30 at Somerset Bible Chapel the worship service began with Kevin Friesen presenting announcements. The music team was Pastor Jeff Peacock with Kevin Larson and Ernest Unrau doing the video and sound support as usual.
“Come, Now Is The Time to Worship”, “Amazing Grace”, the offering, “My Jesus, I Love Thee”, “The Nails In Your Hands” and “Once Again” led to the Prayer Focus done by Erik Picard.
Pastor Jeff chose Philippians 4:10-20 for the main text. At least 2 verses are commonly used as “Coffee Cup Verses”: Verse 13 “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” and verse 19 “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
The whole passage is a missionary letter to a supporting church thanking them for their support. Pastor Jeff noted that Christian ministry hasn’t changed over the years. People who serve as professionals or para professionals still can feel abandoned and neglected. At other times, they may enjoy great generosity and encouragement.
Vacation Bible School was held Monday July 31 to August 3 in the afternoons 3-5 at the church. Thursday’s wind-up included a community carnival event with hot dogs and other attractions for the students and visitors.
Helpers for the August 13 worship service included Erik Picard with announcements, the music team of Kevin Friesen, Jamie and Brianna Small and Braden Plett; Al Dyck as usher and Rejean Picard as Prayer Focus leader.
The music team choices included “Hosanna”. “Come thou Fount”, “Only Jesus Can”, “Our God”, “His Mercy is Mine”, and “Living Hope”.
Pastor Jeff Peacock was unable to be present, but chose a video by Alistair Begg of Truth for Life ministry. The Only God” from Jude 1:25 was recorded live July 31, 2023 in Cleveland.
Knowing God gives a person a focus, a framework and a foundation for life.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website .