News from Isabel Acheson for issue of April 4, 2024
Somerset Bible Chapel
“The Lord is Risen”, “He is Risen Indeed”, the greetings for Easter Sunday morning, led off the worship service of March 31.
Jamie Grenier did the announcements. Kevin Friesen led the music team. His hopes for 3 or 4 instrumentalists had diminished through the week. Kevin with guitar and Brianna on vocals were the team. Kevin also led the Prayer Focus.
Easter Sunday is one of those weekends when the congregation has both visitors and families away visiting. The net result this time was lots of really good singers!
“This is Amazing Grace”, “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” and “Come All you weary (For God So Loved)” preceded the offering. “Because He Lives”, “Before the Throne of God Above” and “Living Hope” preceded the sermon.
Pastor Jeff Peacock read Matthew 28:1-10 to begin leading his listeners into the minds of those experiencing Resurrection Day. The women came to the tomb expecting a dead body and a closed tomb. The tomb was open, the guards lay as dead from an earthquake, an angel as bright as lightning sat on the stone and invited them to look in. They were sent to tell others what had happened.
Peter and John, two of the disciples, ran to the tomb to check for themselves. The Risen Christ appeared to them and reminded them they were to go to Galilee from Jerusalem.
The Apostle Paul continues the account in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 about the appearances of the Risen Lord to eyewitnesses, as many as 500 at a time, that would have still been alive at the time of writing some 20 years later. 1 Cor. 15:12-19 dwells on how the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is essential to Christianity.
The final song was “Christ Alone; Cornerstone” and the closing was from 1 Cor. 15:20-22.
Next Sunday April 7 is to be a congregational meeting at 12:30 after the worship service (bring lunch for your family). The following Sunday the 14th is to be a Pulpit Exchange with another AGC congregation.
Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website