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News from Isabel Acheson for issue of Jan. 9, 2025

Somerset Bible Chapel 

Welcome back from the Christmas break to publishing crew and readers. This will be a summary of 3 weeks rolled into one. 

Sunday Dec. 22nd included the lighting of the 4th candle in the Advent wreath, the candle of Love. Rick and Val Ross did the reading including Matthew 1:18-24. Rejean and Carol Picard were music team with a selection of Christmas Songs and Carols. 

The sermon by Abe Klassen on 1 John 4:17-21 looked at “God’s Love Defined and at Work”. Christians are instructed to Love One Another and to live so that the world may know love. 

Christmas Morning service was led by music team of Ernest and Lorna Unrau. The Christ candle of the Advent Wreath was lit with the Kimber family participating. Readings were from John 1:1-5, 9-14 and from Matt. 1:22-23. Clayton Kimber presented a brief meditation “Unto You” describing the gift of God in human flesh as key to Mankind’s reconciliation with the Holy God. 

Sunday Dec. 29th there was no Sunday School but the worship service included the Communion Celebration. Jamie and Brianna Small led the music. Michelle Friesen read the Scripture from 1 John 5:1-12. 

Kevin Friesen was the speaker with “Faith is the Source of Love” as his title. A Christian is described by faith. Love is the evidence of faith. God’s Commands are not burdensome. Obedience goes with confidence in God, a growing joy, a peace with God knowing sins are forgiven. The text gives warnings about having a loveless heart. However, there is assurance of growth. 

The Mission of the Month for December had been AGC Staff and for President Bill Allan. Rob Cochrane of Swift Current, SK serves as Regional Director for AGC West. 

Sunday School classes resumed Sunday Jan. 5. Rob and Wendy Cochrane were visiting for the Sunday events: SS, Worship service and the lunch that followed. 

The morning worship service was led by Ernest and Lorna Unrau. Rob Cochrane was the guest speaker. He offered greetings from the 40 some AGC congregations in Western Canada. He cited an incident of his trip about a year to visit the northern most congregation in Fort Vermillion in north western AB. 

The Scripture lesson was Exodus 3:7-10 highlighting the phrases “I have seen the misery of my people”, “I have heard their cry” and “I know their sufferings”. Even if God seems to be silent when burdens are heavy, He sees, hears, and cares. 

Monthly bulletins and previous reports are available on the website

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